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KosMod (for lack of a better name at this time)
Published on November 25, 2012 By kosiam In FE Modding

Now working for the most part!!! Latest release is on 12-24-2012 and is version 0.9 (rolled back to indicate beta)

Documentation below may not be totally accurate but most is still correct. Let me know what you think, and sorry the first version didn't work very well at all.

I've begun seriously modding FE over the holidays and have some nice changes made so far. At least I think so

If you would like to try it out and comment, I would be extremely thankful as it is very hard to try testing things with all class combinations, balancing, etc. So far it is not a huge change, but more are planned, as I elude to in the readme, which is available without downloading at the Nexus site.


In case you miss the external download link above:



Thanks for reading!



Here is the current info...(some of this has not been uploaded, but will be soon, I've discovered some issues I'm sorting out)

What's been changed from the vanilla Fallen Enchantress?

1. The Noble training of your Sovereign has been changed from +1 Faction Prestige and -5 Unrest to 150% movement and +15% Unrest. This means your foot armies will move 3 squares versus 2 and your mounted horsemen will move 6 instead of 4. However dealing with 15% added unrest will cut down production. (there are several lines when you mouse over the Noble icon, this is unavoidable at present time). Maybe I can figure out how to add another instead of replacing one, but have not looked into it just yet.

2. Once you choose a path, you will have a small chance each level up of choosing an additional path. It is very low likelihood, but Path of the Governor is x2 chance. (who picks that anyway?) /grin

3. Path of the Mage offers different Magic school choices quite often but now even non PotM heroes will be offered magic schools. This chance is very low to occur however.

4. The Injuries suffered by champions has been reduced for most of the injuries. (-30 to accuracy is out of line IMHO)

5. Some of the design traits are now offered during level up.

6. The Summons I, II, and III have been upped to 2 levels ( at least I hope...this has not been verified by play testing at this time, and it may need changed to +1, +2, +1 or something)


There is an ElementalDefs.xml file included that is not mandatory to include. If you include the ElementalDefs.xml file, it has these changes:

For all spawn rate settings ( resources, shards, monsters, champion camps, random events, and quests ) the settings have been tweaked to provide more of each. Of course, none is still none.

Using Fortify defense skill now gives 30% more defense.

The cost of mana for Sovereign defeat has been lowered drastically. It simply is not fair to PotM Sov's to suffer 50% mana loss while a non PotM could care less.

The time for defeated champions and Sovereign has been lowered ( I think to 3 turns versus 5 ).

Enemy factions must occupy a captured city for 10 turns (versus 5) before they can raze it.

Raised the number of accessories max equipped count from 4 to 5.

Lowered the minimum yield count for a square to be able to be settled from 6 to 4. This greatly increases the number of possible city locations.

Raised the 'non-contiguous' unrest penalty for not being connected to the Capital from 15% to 25%.

Changed the minimum distance between outposts to 4.

Increased the minimum distance between faction start locations from 12 to 16.

Changed the no build spaceing between cities from 4 to 1, which is more realistic.

Allowed the AI to contact you with negotiations every 6 turns ( down from 10 ).


Planned additions:

1. I am not happy with the way land is created and at one time I modified the core files to make much better maps. I am going to try to recreate that work using only mod files eventually.

2. Another planned edit is the items file that determines loot drops. It just seems wrong to kill a Deadly group, lose several units and then loot a leather cap.

3. I have not played to end on many games yet, but feel at this time that some balancing between classes is needed. ( mage vs melee vs assassin ). To this end I may add abilities, or tweak existing ones, but not until I've played all classes deeper into the game.

4. I do plan on addressing the Summoner class as I feel it is very underpowered with only a level 3 Shadow Warg available until you can get an Elemental, but that usually comes much later than needed. *EDIT* Implemented in 0.9 - may be imbalanced, let me know.


Changes 1.0.1: (not currently in upload)

1. Added Regen abilities during level up. 3 tiers with +1, +2, and +3 hit points per round/season regeneration.

2. Added Summon Shadow Warg spell for Sovereign Professions Warlock and PathOfTheMage. (please feedback on balance)

3. Nerfed spell CoalStones since I ran into a group of wildlings that had 4 Shaman in it and my group was a sand golem, champion, and sovereign all level 5-6 and never even made it to them to swing. (actual change to spell = damage is caster level * 1.5 or if resisted caster level * .75 [original was *2 and *1]

4. Still testing the way magic schools are offered to non PotM classes. (I am still trying to playtest to determine if it is WAI, and will update this when I find out)  *EDIT* it is working now in 0.9


on Nov 26, 2012

Greetings Kosiam!

I am looking forward to check your mod later, as I am busy working on mine.

A couple of notes, though:

eMod tag is for mods that are "ready for use", meaning you believe they are good in shape for the public to test as a mod. eWIP is used for mods that are in "beta", not ready for public use, but can be viewed by people for comments and such. Both tags has the expectancy of continued work, so putting them together doesn't mean much. https://forums.elementalgame.com/415216 describes it better.

Your current title is [eMod/eWIP]. You should add your mod name in it (even if you just call it KosMod and plan to change it later!) so people will understand what they are looking at (the subtitle is not visible from the general forum when browsing).

I personally would like it if you could post the info you put in the nexus here, as this is an actual forum and not an advertisement board. I, and some other people I'm sure, prefer to read the info here instead of jumping to other sites.

Good luck in your work!

on Nov 26, 2012

Thank you Raledon, I have made the changes I think.

on Nov 27, 2012

nifty little ruleset tweak you've got going on here! I'll have to give it a try after you release 1.0.1.

on Nov 27, 2012

nifty little ruleset tweak you've got going on here! I'll have to give it a try after you release 1.0.1.


Thanks, and good to wait...just figured out why most of the things are not working correctly, thanks to Heavenfall. Will try to get it released NLT tomorrow.

on Nov 27, 2012

I think you should reconsider point 1. of the changelog, all the rest sounds very agreeable but this one is a big difference which is definitely debateable. I'd separate it from the rest

on Nov 27, 2012

I think you should reconsider point 1. of the changelog, all the rest sounds very agreeable but this one is a big difference which is definitely debateable. I'd separate it from the rest


Are you talking about the movement or regen?

on Nov 28, 2012

movement boost and unrest penalty.


the way I see it, it will just mean the early game will be even more about the sov, slowing down production and research doesn't make the game more fun imo.  worse, civics tech will become even more of a no-brainer due to no innate growth from the sov.
on Nov 28, 2012

movement boost and unrest penalty.


the way I see it, it will just mean the early game will be even more about the sov, slowing down production and research doesn't make the game more fun imo.  worse, civics tech will become even more of a no-brainer due to no innate growth from the sov.


It may be a bad idea, but without play testing, we aren't sure. I really don't think it would make much difference in the strategy, and I have played one time with it so far. Maybe the unrest is not the answer to counter balance it.  And perhaps enough play testing will show it doesn't work.


Right now I am fighting the problem of trying to have different prereqs to gain a magic school during level up. If I modded the core files it works fine, but I refuse to do that and using just mod files is not working exactly right. That's the holdup on uploading a working version.

on Nov 28, 2012

yeah, I don't like overwriting core files either. that issue should hopefully be fixed in 1.1.

on Dec 11, 2012

Update on status:


I think I have finally found a way to get this to work, and will be modifying the files when I finish the edit & testing. The answer was there from another problem but I never put it together until today. It is not near as easy to do what I want to do as I thought it would be

on Dec 11, 2012

nice, I'm using your elementaldefs at the moment and I like it. only changes I made is starting distance between civs back to vanilla since I play with more civs than recommended ( 2, 4, 6, 8 ) and also distance between outposts back to vanilla ( 4 makes sense in theory but I prefer a bit more freedom ) 


any idea if new version will be compatible with Aetheria Astronomicon since that also edits this kind of stuff?

on Dec 11, 2012

nice, I'm using your elementaldefs at the moment and I like it. only changes I made is starting distance between civs back to vanilla since I play with more civs than recommended ( 2, 4, 6, 8 ) and also distance between outposts back to vanilla ( 4 makes sense in theory but I prefer a bit more freedom ) 


any idea if new version will be compatible with Aetheria Astronomicon since that also edits this kind of stuff?


Isn't that the new spells like root? I use that also and yes it was designed to not interfere with other mods from what I can see.

I tested the changes I made for just a short time before having to rush to work, but it did seem to work very well. More to come.

on Dec 24, 2012

I finally got most bugs worked out, thanks to several people here on the forums! I should have been done sooner but somehow let myself get suckered into playing League of Legends with my old friend. Anyway, give this version a try and toss me some feedback.