what the f is wrong with this generation? I have to have at least 8 characters AND a number in my Impulse FORUM account? Who the fuck is going to steal my ability to post shit?
Published on November 22, 2012 By kosiam In FE Modding

I spent quite some time modding my installation folder ( necessary as supported by this thread: https://forums.elementalgame.com/434780 ) and when 1.02 update appeared, I gathered all files I modded, replaced them with originals and updated. Now I face a major problem, namely trying to determine what was changed in the updates and add them to my files, OR try to determine what I changed and edit those into the originals.

It seems to me a small utility could be developed, probably with java or vb scripting, to read the lines 1 by 1 and write out lines with line numbers that are different into a 3rd file. This could make this task much easier. Anyone up to the task? Perhaps someone knows of an existing utility that would do this? fc.exe (file compare) included with Windows almost works, but fails to get back on track.

My motivation to repeat the modding process is whacked on the head until something like this happens ( or preferred: the devs fix the broken system )

on Nov 22, 2012

The very excellent free software Notepad++ ( http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ ) has a useful compare tool.

It also marks up XML and other coding languages and has a plethora of great utilities built in.

on Nov 22, 2012

I use winmerge for this purpose.

on Nov 22, 2012

The very excellent free software Notepad++ ( http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ ) has a useful compare tool.

/facepalm ... I've used notepad++ for years and never noticed this...just checked it out and it IS nice.

I use winmerge for this purpose.

I will search that and check it out, thanks.

 Ok winmerge looks nearly the same as notepad++ as far as compare goes. But do either have the ability to automate the task ( like set your mod file as master and copy all changes to source ) and do it intelligently ( line up matching lines again after inserting etc )?

on Nov 22, 2012

I don't know if winmerge has it.

Maybe this can be of help https://forums.elementalgame.com/434443

on Nov 22, 2012

I don't know if winmerge has it.

Maybe this can be of help https://forums.elementalgame.com/434443


+1 Karma for that, nearly exactly what I am looking for!