what the f is wrong with this generation? I have to have at least 8 characters AND a number in my Impulse FORUM account? Who the fuck is going to steal my ability to post shit?
Published on November 19, 2012 By kosiam In FE Modding

I have looked at alot of the xml code and how the devs did things. It looks like you can use <Prereq> using AND by simply adding another <Prereq> tag, but it doesn't seem you can do much else. Namely I am wanting to do some OR operands. Deciding that is not possible, I thought I would create a new player tag and set it to 1 in the two places I want to OR with. But no matter how I try, I can not get it to work like I want. To explain the details, I want the Summoner OR Summon I to set a flag that unlocks the Summon Shadow Warg. I tried to create a new ability called SummonFlag and set an Attribute and/or StrVal to 1 but it never worked.


Would anyone want to give sort of a tutorial on how this could be done and explain how the tags work so we could do it ourselves next time?



on Nov 19, 2012

Prereq's are somewhat tricky in what they can unlock when trying to use more than one of them.  For equipment once a tech is researched it unlocks an equipment that has the unlocked research as its prereq.  However when you start setting multiple prereqs it gets much more tricky getting things to unlock properly.  Within the tech system it works fine; however, outside the tech system making multiple prereq unlocks well its a pain currently.

on Nov 19, 2012

Just make two entries for the thing you want. For instance, If I want a shadow warg to also be summoned by my Path of the Conjurer. I would make a second spell for the conjurer with a the appropriate pereq. This is the only current way to have an OR for things. It's not pretty, but you can do it. But at that point I realized that it would be better to have one of the two spells do something a little different to make each one feel unique.

on Nov 20, 2012

thanks for your time to answer! is there a post or link that explains the tags somewhat? I don't think I have fully grasped how the 'internal name' & <ModType> <Attribute> <StrVal> etc work. I feel it is more a syntax or format issue I am fighting, and why I was hoping for a walkthrough. But an explanation on how to setup a new 'variable', set the value, and test the value would really rock.


Thanks for any help you can give

on Nov 20, 2012

I get my mic tomorrow. Why don't I put together a quick video of how stuff works for everyone. I want to do some let's play, but before I do, I will make a little tutorial. If you have questions, post them in that thread and I'll answer them tomorrow.